
Showing posts from September, 2017

Dans mon sac à dos il y a .....

Our friends are working hard in class and completing great work! Bravo mes amis! 

Notre Père

We are learning the Notre Père en  français!                      Here is a link of the prayer in a song. Notre Père

Dans mon sac à dos

Qu'est-ce qu'il y a dans mon sac à dos? We've been learning the vocabulary used for items found in the classroom. We have been using pictures, songs, and reading booklets. The students will be making their own backpack with construction paper then will place and label items in it using the working tools given to them these past couple of weeks. I look forward to the end products! Here are a couple of links with songs related to our learning. Vocabulary of classroom objects Dans le cartable Dans mon sac d'école il y a... Mon sac à dos par Gregg Lerock


In the past couple of weeks, we have been learning how to greet people and ask them their name. We have been using songs, pictures and games to practice this skill. Here are a couple of links of songs related to greeting people. French Greeting Song French Greeting Song

Oh Canada!

Bonjour! Aujourd'hui nous apprenons l'hymne du Canada en français! Oh Canada! Created by les 1ière et 2ième année

La rentrée

C'est la rentrée! Here are a couple of links of songs that the students have been singing. C'est la rentrée C'est la rentrée   C'est la rentrée

C'est la rentrée!

Welcome! Bienvenue to all my students! I am so excited that I get to be your teacher this year. You won't believe how much you will learn and how much FUN we will have the way! I look forward to the great year we are going to spend together! Mme Julie